Here are some frequently asked questions that you may have about Crawford Public School.
Be In line, On time by 9.
We encourage students to arrive to school on time by 9am to ensure that they are not missing any important literacy time in the morning. Crawford runs an initiative called In line ,On time by 9 where students names are selected out of a random draw and students receive prizes three times a week.
Do I need to do anything if my child is absent from school?
After being absent from school written explanation is required when your child returns. We encourage students to maintain a regular attendance percentage however, students should be kept home if they are sick or unwell If parents require to pick up their child early, parents must see the office staff and sign their children out.
Do I need to do anything if my child is late to school?
Students who arrive after 9am will need to make their way to the office and sign in late and give their classroom teacher a yellow late slip.
Can I pick my child up before 3pm?
From time to time, students may need to be collected earlier than usual. This may because they are sick and has an appointment. Although we encourage parents and caregivers to make appointments
outside of school hours, at times this is unavoidable. If you need to pick up your child before 3pm, you must go to the school office to sign your child out. The laddies in the office may call your child to the foyer with their bag for collection if they are not already waiting for you. No parent or carer is to attend a classroom during school hours without visiting the school office first. This is in the interest of safety for all members of the school community.
If I change my contact details, do I need to inform the school?
Yes, It is very important that you inform the office of any change in personal information (including phone, mobile and address). This is particularly important encase of an emergency or sickness.
Does my child have to wear a hat?
Crawford Public School encourages all students to wear a maroon, green or black hat to protect themselves from the sun. If students do not have a hat, they are encouraged to play in the sheltered areas around the school.
Lost property
Children leave their personal items behind from time to time. Please ensure that your child's belongings are clearly labelled so that they are returned promptly. The lost property bins are located in the school foyer.